If you’ve decided that it’s time to boost your technology skills, fall is a great time to get started! You’ll have all winter to plan your next vacation, keep up with NASA’s latest discoveries, and even connect with your loved ones through email or social media if you like. Here are a few ideas to get you started with your introduction to or refresher course in technology.
Start Close to Home with Family and Friends
Friends and family can be a great resource for gaining technology skills. Ask around to discover who might be interested in helping you out. Maybe there’s even an opportunity to trade lessons. If you know how to tie a fly or have a tried-and-true pie crust recipe, you can swap some good information.
Visit Your Local Computer Store
If you need to invest in some hardware such as a smart phone, a tablet, or a laptop computer, start shopping! A computer store can be a great place to learn more about technology. Simply let the salesperson know what your current comfort level is and what you hope to accomplish. Do you want to be able to livestream movies and TV shows? Write a novel? Edit videos? Get active on social media? A knowledgeable salesperson can help point you in the right direction and recommend the right hardware for you and possibly even get you started using it.
Find Help within Your Community
Most communities offer adult education resources. Try your local community center or school district office to get more information. Also consider your place of worship. Computer classes can be a great way to encourage fellowship between the youth and senior members. Don’t forget the library and community college. They typically offer introduction-to-technology classes for all.
Take an Online Class
For those already somewhat comfortable with navigating the internet, you can find and sign up for an online class. There are all kinds of free and low-cost options available to take you to the next level.
Whether you’re an absolute beginner or someone who just needs a refresher course, increasing your comfort level with technology will help keep you connected.
At Eastham Law Offices, we are committed to providing information clearly, whether we are talking about a new trend in a blog post, or working with you on your estate plan. If you’d like to work with us, call us today at 561-395-6800 or complete our intake form and we will be in touch to schedule your meeting.