Month: August 2017
August 25, 2017
Which life events that require an immediate estate plan update?
Estate planning is the process of developing a strategy for the care and management of your estate if you become incapacitated or…
August 19, 2017
Do It Now: Name a Guardian for Your Minor Child(ren)
We know it’s hard. Thinking about someone else raising your children stops us all in our tracks. It feels crushing and too…
August 11, 2017
Estate Planning: Why Me, Why Now, and Is a Will Enough?
You have worked hard for years, have family members and friends you care about, and have approached a time in your life…
August 4, 2017
Isn’t There Already A Law That Leaves Everything To My Spouse And Kids?
Many people think that if they die while they are married, everything they own automatically goes to their spouse or children. They’re…